Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Join Us When: Jan 15th 6-7:30PMWhat: Dr. Les Cole and Kathie Gonzales, ARNP at St. Petersburg Health & Wellness for a Free Seminar "Turn Your Weight Loss Into A Lifestyle" Your body was not designed to routinely eat processed carbs and sugar. When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers (before farming), they got sugar one time a year when fruit was ripe so they could put on fat to survive the winter; they never had processed carbs. We have the same genes our ancestors had. Fasting processed carbs, sugar and sweets presents the Intestines with a large sugar load which increases insulin levels. Higher insulin converts sugar to fat, pushes fat into fat cells and prevents fat from leaving fat cells to be burned for energy. Fat by itself does not stimulate insulin and therefore doesn't cause this but sugar and fat together double down. Control your insulin, control your weight and health to Live Well. RSVP to reserve your seat! 727-202-6807 or email SPHW@stpetehw.com
Posted at 12:46 PM