We are an independently-owned labor of love, offering yoga and fitness classes at two large and beautiful facilities in St. Petersburg, Florida. Our core values are mindfulness and personal agency. We believe that yoga isn't something you do, but a way of doing things. Our job is to teach you to be your own best advocate, instructor, and motivator. Come check us out at The Body Electric Yoga Company, and The Body Electric Athletic Company.
WELCOMING. Everyone is family. There is no hierarchy of status here and no guru, but instead you are empowered to become your own best teacher.
OPEN. Yoga and fitness are kept alive and relevant by their practitioners. We are non-dogmatic in our approaches and philosophies, welcoming ideas from all styles, lineages, teachers, and modalities. There is no one right way or a wrong way.
COMMUNITY-MINDED. We believe in the personal and cultural benefits of yoga and mindful fitness, and so we partner with aligned businesses and groups to spread the word.
EXCELLENT. We never stop learning and improving. We are not beholden to any tradition. We actively adapt and implement new knowledge.
FUN. We like fun and don’t take ourselves too seriously. We make yoga and fitness accessible without dumbing it down. We retain beginner’s mind and check our egos.
INCLUSIVE. We are committed to cultivating a diverse community, in which all people feel respected, valued, and seen for who they are as individuals. We are cognizant of personal and cultural biases, and curious about the realities and ideas of other people.
ORGANICALLY-GROWN. We make decisions and expand in ways that are natural and in line with these core values.